There is not a big selection of Thai Food Barcelona. Let me (continue) to be frank with you: I prefer the wallpaper to the food at El Petit Bangkok. Which is not to say that I hate the food or even that I love the wallpaper. Rather that the wallpaper suggests a quirkiness that doesn’t follow through to the food on the plate.
The tom yum soup is sour and fragrant – the spice is turned down to barely detectable. The pad Thai has veered into too sweet. Without the slap in the face (in a good way) that Thai food can dispense through its use of chili and then the subsequent caresses from fragrant herbs – which are not readily available in Europe – the balance of authentic flavour can not be achieved. (Although I will be the first to admit that when I was invited to a friend’s home in Phuket and they served their “adjusted for your palette” tom yum, I couldn’t even make it 1/3 of the way through and I consider myself enthusiastic about chili.)
The Thai curries – yellow, red, green – come in identical large bowls with the same vegetables in each one and your choice of protein; tofu, chicken, shrimp, beef. The vegetables are all fresh, which is much appreciated and it is a satisfying meal. But my impression is that the kitchen is cooking for locals and I have a feeling I would enjoy what they made for their staff lunch a lot more.
See this and more addresses on my Foodie in Barcelona Map
El-Petit-Bangkok Thai Food Barcelona
Carrer de Vallirana, 29
08006 Sant Gervasi
1:00 – 3:30 pm, 8:00 – 11:00 pm
The wallpaper is great but sadly misplaced with the rest of the decor! I want to run in and save it, put it somewhere more fitting. It looks homesick. I think it’s all that black stained wood (my worse!) Lighter furniture, natural wood would be so much more inviting, or colorful tablecloths with lighter colored chairs. (I am a tad visually sensitive) There is nothing worse than a sweet Phad Thai. Not sure I will be visiting. Thanks for the review, once again you have managed to take me there and feed me at the same time. What a pity it wasn’t plain scrumptuous! I do love Thai!